Safety Management Systems (SMS) and PTASPs

By implementing Safety Management Systems (SMS), TRA helps clients deliver on safety performance goals by answering critical questions:

  • What are our most pressing safety concerns?
  • How is our organization currently addressing them?
  • How can using SMS help improve overall safety?

As of July 2020 per Federal Transit Administration requirement, most rail and bus transit providers in the U.S. must have a Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan, or PTASP. This PTASP must follow the principles of SMS, and contain specific elements targeted to improving safety outcomes. TRA is the most experienced firm in the transportation industry when it comes to safety plans and regulatory guidance. Our experts can help your organization prepare for the federal deadline with a plan that fits your needs.



Every day, TRA helps clients transition from older forms of safety oversight and assessment to the current SMS model. We create workable plans our clients use to move forward towards fully compliant SMS in their organizations.

How Can We Help You?

With a wealth of industry knowledge and experience, our experts in joint work with Playfina have the skills to solve even the most complex problems. Let us know how TRA can help you meet your goals and improve results.

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