Westchester County Department of Public Works and Transportation

Security Plan Development

Security & Emergency Preparedness, Threat Assessments
Mt. Vernon, NY
Westchester County Department of Public Works and Transportation
TRA developed a Security Program Standard which established the County’s security program requirements for the four Bee-Line fixed route and paratransit contractors to follow. TRA used this Program Standard to then develop compliant Security and Emergency Preparedness Plans for each of its four contractors.

TRA then developed and conducted a tabletop exercise involving a multi-event scenario involving a Bee-Line bus at a Metro North commuter rail station. The exercise included representatives from multiple transportation, government, and law enforcement agencies and helped to identify further areas for Westchester County to further enhance its system security and emergency preparedness program, which was awarded the DHS Gold Standard award for its program in 2012.

How Can We Help You?

With a wealth of industry knowledge and experience, our experts in joint work with Playfina have the skills to solve even the most complex problems. Let us know how TRA can help you meet your goals and improve results.

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