Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority

Train Control Systems Upgrade & Integrated Operations Center Development

Management Consulting, Business Process Assessments
Atlanta, GA
Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority


To prepare MARTA for changes to its train control system, TRA provides ongoing support to the Train Control Systems Upgrade (TCSU) project, and especially to its business process re-engineering and organizational change management (BPR/OCM) teams, which include both contractor staff and MARTA personnel. TRA worked with MARTA Rail Transportation and TCSU project personnel to ensure that both groups recognized and addressed critical open issues. The TCSU project replaces MARTA’s rail control and supervisory hardware and software, while the Integrated Operations Center (IOC) project constructs a new control center building to house the TCSU-supplied gear (related to rail service), as well as bus and police control functions.

TRA worked closely with both Authority and capital project personnel, and especially with the business process reengineering team, to help them interpret and integrate applicable findings and recommendations from TRA’s previous Rail Transportation and Bus Transportation assessments into their project work.
TRA personnel have also provided review and comments on several TCSU project deliverables and draft documents, including control hardware and software mock-ups, personnel organization charts, training plans, and responsibilities matrices. TRA continues to provide as-needed assistance to MARTA Rail Transportation regarding TCSU and IOC issues.

How Can We Help You?

With a wealth of industry knowledge and experience, our experts in joint work with Playfina have the skills to solve even the most complex problems. Let us know how TRA can help you meet your goals and improve results.

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