Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority

Comprehensive Assessment of Rail Transportation

Operations & Maintenance, Planning & Auditing, Procedures & Rules
Atlanta, GA
Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority



TRA conducted a comprehensive assessment of MARTA’s Rail Transportation department and operations. The project covered virtually all aspects of Rail Transportation’s business processes, including a comprehensive review of rules and standard operating procedures, recruiting and training, the Rail Services Control Center, supervision and management, succession planning and career paths, and interaction with other MARTA operating and maintenance departments.

The assessment resulted in a comprehensive written report with categorized, cross-referenced, and annotated findings. The assessment also included line-by-line comments and recommendations on mission-critical documents including the rail operating rules and procedures, key position descriptions, and important field forms.
Since the original assessment, TRA has assisted Rail Transportation in implementing findings and recommendations. TRA has also helped MARTA to update and reassess certain findings and recommendations based on changes within Rail Transportation, and within the Authority overall.
TRA has also provided ongoing technical assistance, e.g., in areas related to departmental emergency preparedness, Rail Services Control Center organizational changes, specific MARTA incidents and national transit events, creation of the new Service Quality Superintendent position, and other issues as requested by Rail Transportation.

How Can We Help You?

With a wealth of industry knowledge and experience, our experts in joint work with Playfina have the skills to solve even the most complex problems. Let us know how TRA can help you meet your goals and improve results.

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