Port Authority of New York & New Jersey

Transit Risk Assessment Module

Security & Emergency Preparedness, Threat Assessments
Newark, NJ and New York City, NY
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
TRA supported a refresh of Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (PANYNJ)’s Transit Risk Assessment Module (TRAM), focusing on providing an updated picture of threats and vulnerabilities facing the system, as well as the resiliency of the countermeasures and planning put in place.

The TRA team applied a structured risk assessment framework to evaluate the risks to the Port Authority of multiple hazard event types, including terrorism, Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) attacks, hurricanes, earthquakes, winter storms, coastal flooding, blackouts, and pandemic influenza. The risk framework that we used allowed us to compare the risk for all hazard scenarios, using common scales, and incorporated uncertainty into the results.

TRA identified potential risk mitigation solutions in security, hardening, response, and recovery and evaluated the risk reduction effectiveness of the proposed solutions. The TRA team then developed cost estimates for the proposed solutions and conducted a CBA to identify high return on investment options.

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