TRA recently contracted with the West Virginia Department of Transportation (WVDOT) to assist eight small urban bus agencies in the development of safety management systems (SMS) and Public Transportation Agency Safety Plans (PTASPs). Under this project, TRA will work with WVDOT’s Division of Public Transit (DPT) and the eight transit agencies to examine existing safety practices and resources at each agency. TRA will then work with the bus agencies and the DPT to develop appropriate, agency-specific SMS training, organizational changes as needed, safety data programs, and safety performance targets, all in compliance with Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and MAP-21 requirements.
In addition, TRA will help DPT and these transit agencies interface with local metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), as required under FTA’s PTASP and National Transit Safety Plan rules. On top of this new project, TRA also currently assists WVDOT in formulating, implementing, and managing its rail state safety oversight program, which oversees the Personal Rapid Transit system at West Virginia University. We are looking forward to working with West Virginia’s DPT and the eight bus agencies on this important PTASP project. Look for more project updates on TRA’s website and social media.