Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA)

Assessment of TrackSafe Roadway Worker Protection Technology

Procedures & Rules, Safety
Atlanta, GA
Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA)

TRA’s team serves as the independent safety assessor to MARTA in Phase 2 of the TrackSafe Roadway Worker Protection Technology pilot project. TrackSafe is a roadway worker protection secondary warning device intended to supplement existing roadway worker protection rules and enhance worker safety while working in live track environments. TRA reviews MARTA Wayside Access Program documentation and Bombardier (TrackSafe’s original equipment manufacturer) documentation and work products.



TRA is also developing a survey for MARTA’s TrackSafe pilot employee group to determine areas for improvement. TRA also performed an evaluation of data gathered during the TrackSafe pilot project to appraise TrackSafe’s effectiveness, including quantitative data supplied by MARTA and observations of TrackSafe in live train traffic and from the MARTA Integrated Operations Center.

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