Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA)

Cincinnati Streetcar Consulting Services

Safety, Operations & Maintenance
Cincinnati, OH
Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA)
TRA worked with SORTA to provide technical Operations and Maintenance (O&M) support as well as safety and security consulting, in addition to organizational planning and technical assistance in both categories. TRA helped guide SORTA through O&M scenario decisions, and developed presentations and support documentation for the SORTA Board, Executives, and City Council.

TRA reviewed the previous intergovernmental agreement (IGA) draft and responsibilities matrix. Using these inputs and direction from SORTA, TRA provided comments, redrafting, identified challenges, facilitated meetings and incorporated feedback from City and SORTA stakeholders. TRA helped develop preliminary revenue model suggestions and provided startup and ongoing budgets in tandem with developing the startup O&M project schedule. TRA also worked with the rail activation committee to further define the rail activation plan tasks and deliverables. TRA developed the O&M RFP, provided technical answers for industry questions, and assisted SORTA with the evaluation and negotiation process.

For safety and security consulting, TRA helped implement the safety and security certification process, developing the safety and security certification verification report, system integrated testing plan, assisting with the vehicle design conformance audit, system safety program plan, security and emergency preparedness plan, and general FTA and state safety oversight requests.

How Can We Help You?

With a wealth of industry knowledge and experience, our experts in joint work with Playfina have the skills to solve even the most complex problems. Let us know how TRA can help you meet your goals and improve results.

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