Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA)

Comprehensive Assessment of System Safety

San Jose, CA
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA)
TRA performed a special assessment of VTA’s agency-wide safety function and integration, spurred in part by five specific VTA safety incidents. VTA’s management chose to turn the five safety incidents into a proactive and cross-sectional review of safety buy-in and efficacy at the authority.

TRA developed, executed, and reported on four discrete but related areas: The first area was a holistic assessment of the five safety incidents, wherein TRA reviewed their relationships and implications for overall VTA safety effectiveness. TRA then refined three further tasks, including a broad assessment of operations and maintenance safety issues, a review of safety department effectiveness and resources, and an assessment of VTA-wide management and measurement tools as they relate to safety.


TRA’s work at VTA involved detailed, on-site examination of incident and accident sites, documents, and equipment; multiple interviews with operations, maintenance, and safety personnel; and close examination of existing organizational and reporting structures. The operations, maintenance, and safety assessment tasks also involved detailed business process assessments and analyses, and related on-site verification.

TRA’s final report included recommendations and findings for the five specific incidents VTA identified, as well as for more fundamental business process and safety management issues.

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With a wealth of industry knowledge and experience, our experts in joint work with Playfina have the skills to solve even the most complex problems. Let us know how TRA can help you meet your goals and improve results.

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