Florida Department of Transportation, District 5

Rail Fixed Guideway Safety and Security Oversight Services, System Safety Program Plan Review for SunRail Commuter Rail

Safety, State Safety Oversight
Orlando, FL
Florida Department of Transportation, District 5

In 2013 and 2014, TRA assisted FDOT District 5 personnel in overseeing the Central Florida Rail Corridor (CFRC) commuter rail system as it developed its first ever System Safety Program Plan, as required under 14-15.017 F.A.C. and 341.061 F.S. TRA subject matter experts used the FDOT Public Transit Office Standards Manual 725-030-014 as a basis for auditing and assessing the SSPP.

TRA also requested and reviewed related documents associated with rules, procedures, and policies for operations, maintenance, and investigation activities at SunRail. TRA issued findings and reviewed SunRail’s corrective measures, culminating in the approval of the SSPP prior to the start of revenue service.

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With a wealth of industry knowledge and experience, our experts in joint work with Playfina have the skills to solve even the most complex problems. Let us know how TRA can help you meet your goals and improve results.

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