Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA)

Rail Triennial Audit Support

San Jose, CA
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA)
VTA engaged TRA to support the authority, and in particular its safety, operations, and maintenance (vehicles and track, power, and signals) after a 2014 rail state safety oversight audit. TRA’s project work includes reviewing all oversight agency findings with key VTA personnel, and assessing the relative impact of both the individual findings and whether or not larger safety trends may exist.

TRA’s project methodology includes re-auditing key functions and departments, and assessing department- and authority-wide business processes that could be improved. TRA and VTA’s intended final project results include developing a better understanding of the relative importance of each finding, identifying clear steps to address findings, and implementing processes that will minimize future audit findings.

How Can We Help You?

With a wealth of industry knowledge and experience, our experts in joint work with Playfina have the skills to solve even the most complex problems. Let us know how TRA can help you meet your goals and improve results.

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